Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, September 2015, Vol. 9, No. 3

New Types of Functions and Separation Axiom by $\gamma$-Open Sets in Fuzzy Bitopological Spaces

Arnab Paul and Baby Bhattacharya

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The main aim of this paper is to introduce a new class of fuzzy irresolute functions called (i,j)-completely fuzzy $\gamma$-irresolute function in fuzzy bitopological space and to study some basic properties of the newly defined function. Then we define a weaker form of (i,j)-completely fuzzy $\gamma$-irresolute function termed as(i,j)-fuzzy $\gamma$-irresolute function. Finally we study a new type of fuzzy bitopological space namely (i,j)-fuzzy $\gamma$-normal space.We obtain an additional condition under which (i,j)- fuzzy $\gamma^{*}$- closed surjection function preserves (i,j) -fuzzy $\gamma$-normality.

Keywords: (i,j)-fuzzy $\gamma$-open set, (i,j)-fuzzy $\gamma$-irresolute function, (i,j)-completely fuzzy $\gamma$-irresolute function



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