Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, May 2016, Vol. 10, No. 2

Neighborhood Curved Topological $C_e$-Elements

Abdalla, Salih A.

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The target of this paper is to supply a suitable hypothesis of pseudo-differential functions for the examination of partial differential functions as well as the Colombeau coefficients. Because of the character of the coefficients we desire to handle, the signs used are correspondence modules in the Colombeau logic or generally talking generalized signs. A comprehensive figurative calculus is established and created in this perspective and through the starting of an appropriate belief of extensive hypoelliptic signs; a parametric for the equivalent pseudo-differential function serving on Colombeau algebras is developed. This acts as an instrument for exploring the Colombeau reliability of degree of difference and pseudo-differential functions.

Keywords: Curved Topological, Colombeau, $C_e$-Elements, Colombeau, Generalized Functions



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