Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, April 2019, Vol. 13(S)
Special Issue: 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics (ICMSS2018)

Hybrid Method for Solving Special Fourth Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Jikantoro, Y. D., Ismail, F., Senu, N., Ibrahim, Z. B., and Aliyu, Y. B.

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In recent time, Runge-Kutta methods that integrate special fourth-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) directly are proposed to address efficiency issues associated with classical Runge-Kutta methods. Although, the methods require approximation of \(y^'\), \(y^{''}\) and \(y^{'''}\) of the solution at every step. In this paper, a hybrid type method is proposed, which can directly integrate special fourth-order ODEs. The method does not require the approximation of any derivatives of the solution. Algebraic order conditions of the methods are derived via the Taylor series technique. Using the order conditions, the eight algebraic order method is presented. The absolute stability of the method is analyzed and the stability region presented. A numerical experiment is conducted on some test problems. Results from the experiment show that the new method is more efficient and accurate than the existing Runge-Kutta and hybrid methods with a similar number of function evaluation.

Keywords: Hybrid methods, higher order ODEs, order conditions, numerical methods, stability



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