Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, August 2019, Vol. 13(S)
Special Issue: The 6th International Cryptology and Information Security Conference (CRYPTOLOGY2018)

A Hierarchical Identity-Based Identification Scheme Without Pairing

Vangujar, A. K., Chin, J. J., Tan, S. Y., and Ng, T. S.

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In 2015, Chin et al. proposed an extension to the Schnorr IBI scheme using two secret keys to tighten the security based on the discrete logarithmic assumption, namely the Twin-Schnorr IBI. Twin-Schnorr IBI works without pairing operation and this helps to increase the efficiency of the scheme as well as strengthening its security. In this paper, we extend Chin et al.'s scheme to accommodate hierarchies, namely the Hierarchical Identity-based identification (HIBI). Our scheme uses no pairings and is able to operate faster than pairing-based HIBIs.

Keywords: Security attacks, Hierarchical Identity-based identification scheme (HIBI), Discrete logarithmic assumption, Twin-Schnorr IBI scheme



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