Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, January 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1

Micropolar Fluid Flow in Tapering Stenosed Arteries having Permeable Walls

Prasad, K. M. and Yasa, P. R.

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Received date: 25 July 2020
Accepted date: 26 December 2020

The impact of slip on micropolar fluid through inclined tapering stenosed artery having permeable walls is studied. To compute the phenomena of Nanoparticle and Temperature profiles, Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) is considered. The analysis with respect to different flow parameters on flow impedance \((\bar{\lambda})\) and shear stress \((\tau_h)\) are anticipated by deriving equations for the flow characteristics and solutions are obtained. The stream lines in diverging region \((\xi >0)\), Non-tapered region \((\xi =0)\) and converging region \((\xi <0)\) are drawn to view flow patterns for different values of the fluid flow parameters.

Keywords: Tapered artery, stenosis, micropolar fluid, permeability constant, shape parameter



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