Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, January 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1

Multi-Objectives Path Planning using Bézier Curve

Safaruddin, M. S. and Misro, M. Y.

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Received date: 23 April 2020
Accepted date: 20 December 2020

This study presents Dijkstra's algorithm using permutation method. A directed graph that contains nodes with a specific initial and end position will be connected at every edge with their own weights. The constructed algorithm plays an important role to determine the shortest path by using the concepts of Dijkstra's algorithm. All the nodes in the shortest paths will be used as the control points of Bézier curves during its construction. Then, the shortest path will be interpolated using Bézier curves with control points to provide a smooth path planning curve.

Keywords: Dijkstra's algorithm, Bézier curve, permutation, shortest path, directed graph



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