Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, September 2023, Vol. 17, No. 3

A New Compact Numerical Scheme for Solving Time Fractional Mobile-Immobile Advection-Dispersion Model

Thomas, S. and Nadupuri, S. K.

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Received date: 1 February 2023
Accepted date: 7 June 2023

This work is focused on the derivation and analysis of a novel numerical technique for solving time fractional mobile-immobile advection-dispersion equation which models many complex systems in engineering and science. The scheme is derived using the effective combination of Euler and Caputo numerical techniques for approximating the integer and fractional time derivatives respectively, and a fourth order exponential compact scheme for spatial derivatives. The Fourier analysis technique is used to prove that the proposed numerical scheme is unconditionally stable and perform convergence analysis. To assess the viability and accuracy of the proposed scheme, some numerical examples are demonstrated with constant as well as variable order time fractional derivatives for this model.

Keywords: time fractional; advection-dispersion; mobile-immobile; stability; convergence; computational order



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